Statistics spanning 23 hrs, 58 min 39 sec, up to Sat 19 Sep 06:59:52 local time (GMT+1):
- 41 different stations
- 73.1% non-local stations (more than 100 km from here)
(max distance: 1557.6 km; nearest: 13.9 km) - 5678 total APRS packets (one every 15.2 seconds):
92.6% reporting location
0.0% reporting weather data - packet identification summary:
92.6% location
7.0% status
0.3% telemetry
0.0% wx
last seen | station | position | APRS packets | notes |
2020-09-19 06:59:52 | IW8RUI | 38º10'1.8"N, 15º50'19.7"E (200+ km from here) | 126 (every 586.6 sec) | APRS CALABRIA-Gambarie RC info: i8gmp@gmparisi.it1 |
2020-09-19 06:59:44 | IR8BL | 45º18'36.0"N, 9º30'19.1"E (500+ km from here!) | 2345 (every 31.6 sec) | 440 Voice 432.45000MHz +0.0000MHz1 |
2020-09-19 06:58:21 | IT9IJI | 38º11'36.6"N, 15º33'13.2"E (200+ km from here) | 125 (every 583.2 sec) | Test Digi 1448001 |
2020-09-19 06:56:22 | IZ8GEL | 40º52'19.8"N, 14º33'17.3"E | 715 (every 120.4 sec) | IPALMACA3 - Wunderground METEO1 |
2020-09-19 06:56:09 | IZ8GMP | 38º6'45.6"N, 15º38'52.7"E (200+ km from here) | 163 (every 453.9 sec) | w21iRSW1 |
2020-09-19 06:55:31 | IQ8ES | 40º45'58.7"N, 14º44'56.4"E | 411 (every 208.0 sec) | - QSX RU5 - Apertura GIO e SAB 16.30-20.001 |
2020-09-19 06:54:48 | IR8AV | 40º24'31.7"N, 15º37'5.4"E (100+ km from here) | 302 (every 244.6 sec) | Digi APRS Loc. Sito Alto Sala Consilina.1 |
2020-09-19 06:54:33 | IK8NII | 40º48'38.4"N, 14º21'25.8"E | 202 (every 420.4 sec) | QRV-145.275-433.2751 |
2020-09-19 06:53:58 | IR0UBM | 39º52'37.2"N, 9º30'10.1"E (500+ km from here!) | 78 | (Monte Armidda * Ogliastra * Loc. JM49SV) 11 |
2020-09-19 06:52:20 | IR8BK | 40º15'24.0"N, 15º1'25.2"E | 192 (every 447.2 sec) | E.R.A. SA - Perdifumo (SA) SysOp IW8EYZ1 |
2020-09-19 06:51:57 | IQ8TI | 40º51'48.6"N, 14º33'15.5"E | 116 (every 724.8 sec) | IW8EXE - IQ8TI - Sezione ERA Palma Campania 1 |
2020-09-19 06:48:50 | IR5UAX | 43º37'7.7"N, 11º56'45.5"E (350+ km from here) | 4 | APRX IGATE - http://iw0.red1 |
2020-09-19 06:45:54 | IR8LR | 38º36'6.0"N, 15º54'10.1"E (200+ km from here) | 153 (every 478.4 sec) | IR8LR Monte Poro (VV) - A.R.I. Lamezia Terme (Cz)1 |
2020-09-19 06:45:18 | IR8DA | 38º12'24.0"N, 15º43'34.7"E (200+ km from here) | 61 | (Info 1 |
2020-09-19 06:45:12 | IT9ELT | 38º14'35.4"N, 15º26'19.2"E (200+ km from here) | 92 (every 782.6 sec) | 73' op Salvatore A.R.I. Messina it9elt@virgilio.it1 |
2020-09-19 06:25:21 | IR8CC | 40º14'12.5"N, 15º3'54.6"E | 10 | Digi APRS ARI Salerno Loc. M.te Stella SA.1 |
2020-09-19 06:02:37 | FW6658 | 41º49'29.3"N, 12º39'42.5"E (200+ km from here) | 6 | |
2020-09-19 05:17:26 | IT9BGI | 38º9'45.6"N, 13º7'37.2"E (200+ km from here) | 8 | I-Gate APRS RX/TX QRA provvisorio Prot. 41394 Mi.S.E.1 |
2020-09-19 04:36:36 | IR0CIV | 42º8'33.6"N, 11º53'32.3"E (200+ km from here) | 16 | APRS DIGI Beacon CIVITAVECCHIA 144.800 -1 |
2020-09-19 04:21:56 | F1ZJM | 42º28'56.3"N, 2º56'51.6"E (1000+ km from here!) | 1 | Digi APRS66 * Pic du Neulos * PERPIGNAN *1 |
2020-09-19 03:34:58 | IQ9MK | 38º11'26.9"N, 15º29'2.3"E (200+ km from here) | 7 | (New-N Paradigma) 1 |
2020-09-19 03:28:49 | IW8RBI | 38º12'57.6"N, 15º39'52.8"E (200+ km from here) | 18 | 1 |
2020-09-19 03:11:49 | IW9FRA | 38º1'3.6"N, 12º32'7.1"E (350+ km from here) | 2 | `_%1 |
2020-09-19 01:48:46 | IR0AAI | 40º9'28.8"N, 8º37'46.8"E (500+ km from here!) | 2 | 144.800Mhz 1,2Kb/s CISAR SHARDANA cisar.assisi@gmail.com1 |
2020-09-19 01:43:40 | F1ZHU | 43º54'29.4"N, 0º50'26.4"E (1500+ km from here!!) | 1 | (APRS DIGI ) 11 |
2020-09-19 01:29:10 | F6KBR | 42º35'56.3"N, 2º21'47.4"E (1000+ km from here!) | 4 | Digi APRS66 * Foret de CONAT * 990m1 |
2020-09-19 01:26:56 | IW5CBL | 44º28'14.9"N, 9º51'54.0"E (500+ km from here!) | 2 | 'info:|41 |
2020-09-19 01:18:15 | F5ZXE | 43º12'15.5"N, 5º57'10.8"E (750+ km from here!) | 2 | Digi APRS ADREF83 LE GRAND CAP - JN33XE1 |
2020-09-19 00:04:24 | IW8EHC | 40º52'6.5"N, 14º13'36.0"E | 5 (every 145.8 sec) | ]=1 |
2020-09-18 23:31:30 | IK8CEP | 40º38'43.1"N, 14º52'24.5"E | 220 (every 258.3 sec) | 73 de Michele! QTH Pontecagnano F.(SA) 1 |
2020-09-18 23:15:07 | EB3EHJ | 41º18'5.3"N, 1º55'39.6"E (1000+ km from here!) | 1 | Digipeater del Mediterraneo AMIRED1 |
2020-09-18 18:58:28 | IZ7YBG | 40º33'4.2"N, 14º54'25.8"E | 257 (every 100.4 sec) | ]145.637MHz FIODOR=1 |
2020-09-18 17:48:53 | IW0FKO | 42º3'38.4"N, 12º24'36.0"E (200+ km from here) | 5 | Digi APRS 144.800Mhz I-Gate Roma nord1 |
2020-09-18 15:53:58 | IZ8VGD | 40º55'9.0"N, 14º44'32.9"E | 17 (every 660.5 sec) | `_)1 |
2020-09-18 15:04:56 | IQ1TG | 44º33'15.5"N, 8º56'19.2"E (500+ km from here!) | 1 | 440 MMDVM Voice 430.43750MHz +5.0000MHz, YSF Passo dei Giovi JN44LN1 |
2020-09-18 14:42:39 | IU8AIC | 40º37'53.4"N, 14º24'29.4"E | 1 | ]=1 |
2020-09-18 14:28:24 | IT9DLY | 38º15'20.9"N, 15º27'9.0"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | ]allerta meteo=1 |
2020-09-18 13:42:10 | IK0JJX | 41º19'46.8"N, 13º12'1.1"E (100+ km from here) | 2 | Pietro - Gruppo E.R.A. Latina 13.2V1 |
2020-09-18 12:07:00 | IZ0ZSZ | 41º45'15.0"N, 12º14'27.5"E (200+ km from here) | 2 | `145.450MHz T067 -060 73 to all op. Mauro_%1 |
2020-09-18 09:20:10 | IR0VT | 42º21'19.1"N, 12º10'14.9"E (200+ km from here) | 1 | Sezione ARI Viterbo JN62CI (UIDIGI 1.8) 31 |
2020-09-18 09:18:58 | F5ZVZ | 43º5'46.2"N, 6º6'47.4"E (750+ km from here!) | 1 | (Digi aprs du Mont des Oiseaux REF83) 31 |
System uptime: 22 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes